Revit topography contour lines. Contours are only created when the surface passes through .

Revit topography contour lines 07-25-2024 09:10 AM LinkedIn. IE, I need the contour line to be shown at 25'-0", but it is being shown at 25'-7". Subsequently, how do I turn on contour lines in Revit? Use the Site Settings dialog to view or change site settings. I'm trying to follow the lines that are on the image but, when I create the surface, it is not correct. ıI will also add dynamo script Hi everyone. The blue lines are both at an elevation of 47000. Link the file "Center to Center" and make sure that the option "Current view only" 2. For Contour Line Display, select At Intervals of. Display poché below the surface. Search | Today's Posts | Posts with 0 replies. 2. ; &nbsp; My problem is now that I To learn how to define display intervals for contour lines or to add custom contour lines to a site plan, see Define Site Settings. For Start, specify the elevation for the contour line. Contours are only created when the surface passes through Contour lines: By default, Topographies in Revit display contour lines as you create them. 💡 💻🎨 With this command, Hi everyone. When creating a topography from scratch or using a model upgraded from Revit 2016 or earlier, some contour lines are missing. 0 Likes ‎04-05-2020 10:06 AM. For each polylines, assign their Z value/Elevations first, then spam DIV command and divide each contour lines to 100~200 points, the more points the better. If you follow the native Revit workflow, this will be the route: Topography in Revit can be tricky to manage for a number of reasons, but I would say the most limiting factor is that you can only input points (meaning, you cannot input contour lines or a mesh). Follow the steps below to show the values for elevations contour lines correctly: Click Manage tabSettings panel Project Units. Click Insert for each set of contour lines. None of which have changed my lines to the colours I selected. To address this limitation, we have ensured that when you use Environment’s Topography Tools to edit topographies, you can view contour lines as you make changes to the surface. The "Site Designer" add-in is basically DOA. On the Ribbon, click Insert > Link > Link CAD. Pls Help yeah, you can, but it's one of those Revit thing Hide the topography in view, then reveal hidden elements, then tab-select the sub-regions and un-hide in view Silly, but it should works. 00:16 – Create Toposolids from the Old Revit Topography 03:00 – Create Toposolids from a sketch 04:45 – Modify Sub elements 05:28 In the past, I would have used vanilla AutoCAD to trace the contours to polylines, then I might ‘spline’ them, then convert back to polylines (using a LISP tool), set all the elevations properly, and then import to Revit, then Create from Import to make the Topography. Go to Massing & Site Tab>Site Settings: Set the "Start" elevation equal to the distance that the topography moved (in the opposite direction). Hello, I'm trying to sort out why only some of the contour lines from my . Toposolid Contour Lines Not Displaying raul2N7K9. The contour that is off the most is the line at the blue marker on my topo, 4394 on your topo and 4392 on the original. And most importantly, how to adjust the contour lines, contour line weights, and contour line colors. When recreating the topo in a new project, the lines are at the intended locations. My goal is to export topography contour lines as smooth curves so if You find it easier some other way (convert to mesh → lines on topo surface: Revit Building >> Technical Support. From what I've read on forums there is little that can be done about this. I have found a dynamo script but doesnot work properly. I understand how to use the Site Settings tool box to set the contour line interval when creating a new toposurface, but how to I change the interval Specify settings for contour lines and section graphics for legacy toposurface elements. com/balkanarchitectSubscribe for more!Please Like this Tutoria Toposolid Contour Lines Not Displaying. 2) The site survey didn't Topography Contour lines are not visible above 1000 feet in Revit. In the group Model Objects expand the category Topography and in the individual countour rows (major, minor) you can change the lineweight (thickness), style and pattern as needed. I know the way to do it is to add more points. Environment plug-in for Autodesk® Revit®For a Hi. Section Graphics: Section cut material Sets the material that displays in a section view. Autocad/Civil 3D. Hi guys Couple of questions I need help with 1)I am having trouble changing my primary &amp; secondary contours to show as colours. I would rather Revit do its own triangulation from the original point data. I have drawings for what the contour lines should be, however, no excel data for the topography of the area. Geometry to extract the contour lines as curves. It's been over two weeks and I still cant get these contour lines to triangulate correctly. Everything works great but when I go to print the drawing, the toposurface boundary of the split region is shown with a very thick line that blocks out my property lines. Here is the topography in question. The project & survey points are in the right spot (I think), so that we have our finish floor (0'-0") actually landing at 228'-4" (desired actual elevation; please see first three images attached). Afterwards I created a building pad. The You can label contour lines to indicate their elevations. Take into account that Revit doesn’t allow you to create topography from contour lines but only from points. There was a fix implemented in the 2017 version so that the Additional Contours defined within the Revit Site Settings would no longer generate contours TopoExport - Your tool to export highly detailed topography. See images below to understand what I mean, each has a caption to better explain. Noori Lecturer at Ajman University - UAE M. 8. If you do use a mesh or 3D lines to create a Topo, Revit simply takes the points from those elements and gives you no control in the generated mesh With Toposolid Revit even more aggressively makes contour lines between points in close proximity at curves, creating contour lines that go across curves at multiple points rather than following an intended path. cancel. Contour Line Display Displays contour lines. View Filters for split surfaces Main topography contour lines' color. Watch as I show you all the controls and settings that you nee Once you have created a toposurface from your linked . Download Elevation Data Here + How To. &nbsp; How The best way I have found to create toposurfaces is by using the surveyor's original points file, and NOT using their contour lines. I have explored this forum and you tube to find a way to import it from Google Earth in to Revit. Having to go in and out of edit mode to see contour lines is very time consuming and disruptive to productive work flow. Create a section view that cuts the topography. Report. Default Stop value has not been modified. As you do, y ou'll see how it changes to the contour line(s I'm at a loss here. There are many ways to do this; however I found that this method below is the fastest way to create a wall that follows the contours without leaving the Revit program. I have a topo survey DWG with 3d contour lines. If you clear the check box, custom contour lines still display in the drawing area. Select the floor and "The cutting plane of the section line, or the projection plane of the elevation line needs to intersect (cut) the toposurface element in order for the view to show the "fill" below the topography edge. If you create a floor like in the previous tip, you won’t have any contour lines. Members: 2075099. Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:32:46 AM. The default Stop value is 1000 feet bes class revit All topography data is an approximation that depends on how much data is acquired. map: contour lines. Download 3D When creating a topo surface in Revit, the contour lines do not always match the shape of the imported contour If there many points, edit the topo surface, choose Simplify Surface to remove some points and set the accuracy to 1" Topo surface contour lines ignores contour shape in Revit. Des of #revit #revittutorials This tutorial demonstrates how to add and manipulate contours in Revit. Learn how to create a toposurface in Revit using model lines that represent the contour lines of the topography. To make contour lines visible, can change this by clicking on the Model Site menu option Unfortunately, in the new Revit, it is currently not possible to view contour lines on a Toposolid while editing it. Hey Guys, I have a two part question. I came across so many ways of doing it and so many things like using flux with dynamo, sketch up, import in AutoCad, I've got an issue with a Revit toposurface that I can't figure out. To learn how to define display intervals for contour lines or to add custom Topography in Revit can be tricky to manage for a number of reasons, but I would say the most limiting factor is that you can only input points (meaning, you cannot input contour lines or a mesh). 2 Likes Link copied. Contour line intervals at different scales: Revit Building >> Technical Support. If you clear At Intervals of, custom contour lines still display. The topography was created based on the original survey point location and later moved in the Z direction. I am trying to create topography in my revit model and everything is working perfectly, but my contours don't show. contour line, a line on a map representing an imaginary line on the land surface, all points of which are at the same elevation above a datum plane, usually mean sea level. Specify the Start, Stop, and Interval for the contour lines. They follow its surface. The circles mark example problem areas where revit has interpolated between points. Create a Toposurface with a Points File Export a points file from a civil engineering application, and import it The Revit Site API provides access to create the same toposurfaces that you would create with the Revit UI. İstehre any way to smooth topography in revit. (You may need to zoom in to see the labels. Open a 2D view such as site plan. You can also Go to Ribbon >> Massing & Site tab >> expand the Model Site options and reduce the Intervals of contour lines . After that, use DATAEXTRACTION to extract the X,Y,Z tables of those points. Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 6:07:37 AM. Simply: Make the necessary subcategories of Topography in Object Styles; Apply them in the 'Site I have a steep and curving building site and I am having a lot of difficulty creating the topography lines. It looks like Revit is simplifying my lines by skipping tight corners, and I am unable to force the contour line to match the points - the When moving a topography surface to the correct elevation, you notice contour lines shift in site plan view. 3. fix graphics to see the topo, countour lines. Hiding Contour Lines: Revit Systems >> Technical Support. A Whole Lot of TOPOGRAPHY & CONTOUR LINE questions Revit Building >> Technical Support. This allows you to use different toposolid Prior to exporting, you can take a bit more control over your site Topo and primary/secondary contour line in theSite Settings Dialogue, also under your Revit Visibility/Graphic Overrides >> Model Categories >> Scroll down to Revit 2017 - Topography contour lines visibility: Revit Building >> Technical Support. Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:45:41 Click Massing & Site tab Modify Site panel (Label Contours). dwg file, you can add contour labels to the site plan. So, i need to create a model in Revit of this hill topography showing contours and site features such as trees. But manuelly editing an error-prone method. Use Multiple Values for a set of contour lines Topography Contour Lines show incorrectly shifted in Revit. In this tutorial, we learn how to create a topographic surface with revit, from a dwg file that contains the contour lines. Hi friends I have to design a building on a hilly site. On that particular contour, you can see how the line jumps from high point to high point in both of ours but there are a few steep valleys on the original. Labels display on the contour lines. Open a site plan view. Please see attached. Contour labels display in site plan views. Thu, May 3, 2007 at 11:16:59 AM. Enthusiast in reply to gsucci ‎05-25-2018 07:55 AM. No contour lines on my toposurface and the surface is flat. The Revit topo lines do not follow the points I place along the curving lines of my linked topo map. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular Revit Architecture topics. (#115600) How to turn off topography projection lines in section or elevation in Revit. The missing contours are below the defined range of Additional Contours. (you can see this by turning on the tirnagulation edges in visibility/graphics) Contour lines are created after the surface is generated. i overlay the civil CAD and the contours that seem to not line up tend to be the swale's. X (Twitter) Facebook. I made smooth contour lines in Rhino with assigned elevations and then exported as a DWG. Adding Tertiary and additional contour lines to Revit topography. Autodesk Support. Is it possible to only show the topography contour lines, without showing the surface? I've created a topo surface, and added a lot of other information to a site plan, including linked CAD files, detail lines, model linesetc. Refer to the following steps: Link the DWG file in the Revit host: Open a site or floor plan view in the Revit file that you want to use as a host. Why? Because their contour lines were already generated by their program triangulating all the survey points to calculate the contours. Additional symptoms may include: Contour Labels are showing as 100. Plus The is the sort of issue which requires the Revit model to resolve. Best Regards, Firas S. A survey of five foot contour intervals is going to miss a lot more surface features than one defined by two foot intervals. Better control over topography than with imported CAD contour lines or TINN. Disadvantages. Create a 2D contours or 3D terrain in AutoDesk Revit Software using high resolution elevation data from Equator. I have tried doing this in the visibility/graphic overrides and then also in the object styles settings. 33 and 100. At Intervals of On the Model Objects tab, change settings under Topography. 4. lol. patreon. Now I want to lable my contour lines, but if I turn on the topo surface, it hides some elements is there a way or method to match contour lines from civil CAD when creating Topography? after creating the topography from the the civil CAD it seems that most of the time the contour lines do not match the original civil survey from the CAD that I imported to revit. The surface was made by placing points over an image. making topo transparent. dwg Selection in Revit Massing+Site<Toposurface<Create From Import After import; Black Lines represent what TI P: E dit Toposurface and Place Points at ZERO Elevation RELATIVE TO SURFACE on and about the contour line you are trying to "straighten out". Is there any way to display I have figured out that the best way to learn something in Revit is to try it until you get it to work. gio. In the beginning I created a toposurface from a DWG-file (contour lines). and if the topography is existing which doesn't change, but for new proposed topography, this may not be a good idea ) 3. (+ maybe use designoptions to keep originals in main project) All the sub options in Visibility Graphics for Topography are turned off in the original screenshot. Consultant ‎07-25-2024 09:24 AM. topo survey AutoCAD to Revit: Revit Structure >> Technical Support. This file was linked into Revit and a toposurface created from it. Contour labels are set to survey Learn how to create a 3D topography in Revit using only 2D AutoCad contour lines!Let me know, if the tutorial was helpful and what other tutorials you would When I cut topography, I only want to see cut line and want to hide projection lines. For why not make the Topo surface in SketchUp then Import into Revit? I like to draw my own contour lines in SketchUp by intersecting planes through the import Google Earth Terrain, which will create contours. Set Range Type. The Contour lines used to show at the correct location. These will not work if the surface is a link within another link. #revit #revittutorials This tutorial demonstrates how to add and manipulate contours in Revit. If you do use a mesh or 3D lines to create a Topo, Revit simply takes the points from those elements and gives you no control in the generated mesh Hi there, I have a problem with using the toposurface to generate contour lines. Contour lines provide the most accurate representation of the three-dimensional shape of a surface and are one of the principal tools used by every landscape architect or site designer to understand and portray the terrain they are working with or to design a I've been searching for quite a while now, but with no luck - Hope someone in here can help me. If the surface reaches a contour interval 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Let's keep the Topography Month momentum going! #topofthemonthToday, we're shining the spotlight on the ADD LINE tool. Also Civil 3D is created primarily for civil engineers, and Revit for architects, structural and MEP engineers. As the building has changed in size and shape, so has the building pad. Specify contour settings and display contour labels on the topography. Revit Building >> Technical Support. ) The label line itself is not visible unless you select a label. &#X1F44D Revit constructs the contour lines from the triangulated surface. Keep in mind that you can place a point and then slide it around. Watch as I show you all the controls and settings that you nee Create a topographic surface with different elevations. To resolve this issue, modify the Stop value for contour lines. To resolve this issue: Click Massing & Site tab > Model Site The most obvious and easy to find are Topography. To change the appearance of contour line labels. Click Insert for each set of custom contour lines. Click Modify | Contour Labels tab I'm at a loss here. Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at Displayed elevations contour lines on Toposurface show incorrect units in Revit comparing it to source CAD file: The Project Base point has set correct values for X and Y coordinates, while the elevation (Z axis) has incorrect numbers. Download 2D vector map, with contour lines, buildings, building shadows, roads, and trees. Now, I've just noticed that some of the line width is being obscured by the topography surface it self Revit creates the topo surface by triangulating between all the points present. You need to have it directly linked into the file where you want to annotate it (either using the contour lines command in revit, or say a spot slope or spot elevation tag). But You’ll gain a deep understanding of Toposolids as we walk you through essential techniques such as working with split lines, contour lines, and points to shape and customize your terrain models. Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 8:37:21 AM. raul2N7K9. It also covers adding custom marker lines into the topo to note rivers, lakes Topography Contour Lines show incorrectly shifted in Revit. All points are created based on the survey point. I need help understanding why the revit contour lines are reading a different elevation than the CAD topo file I inserted. Firstly, what is the best way to display existing contours on a site plan that overlay a building? The way I have done it in this project is to copy the topography over the house and make it transparent. " Your workflow is doing this in C3d, then link the topo into Revit. I've then modified the grade for my project. Elevation of poche base Controls the depth of In the Contour Display dialog define the contours for the toposolid type. Export it to CSV and import the extracted table to Revit. In the Overwrite Visibility Graphic by Element, there is no tick box to hide projection lines, you can only make them white but this then messes Display the topography in a view, and place it on a sheet. Download CAD block in . While setting up a template with some custom line patterns, I've created a very steep topography for visual control of the patterns and lineweights of the primary and secondary contour lines. Good news: The environment plugin contains a Specify settings for contour line display, on toposolid family types. You could then import these floating contours into Revit and make a topo surface just like if you had a survey CAD file. Place building pads and site components on the topography. Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 10:00:03 PM. . Visibilty of Contour Lines: Revit Building >> Technical Support. (Though this is more of a Revit issue than an add-in issue. Phase filter of view not set correctly. I set up the Survey point elevation so that it sits at sea level 0,0. This tool creates topo-points on the selected curves to allow the designer to build contour lines instead of placing points individually. The problem compounds because we cant even select topography line work to define detail items. Objects: 23113. Take a look at my images of the notifications I am getting on Revit below: I am working in both Revit 2011 and AutoCAD 2010 Architecture now, and I made sure the drawing was done and scaled in metric the entire process This uses a modified version of the intersection method to create a planar wall in Revit whose bottom follows the contours of a site topography element as shown in the Figure below. dwg get put into a topography model when I use massing and site. Open a site plan view, and select a contour line label. Products and versions Hello, I am trying to figure out why revit's contour line doesn't match up with the imported points I cant find a forum addressing this. Sketch a line that intersects one or more contour lines. My contour lines on toposolids are being created at +7" elevations. I think is might be because the site isn't steep enough. I now want to show the new contour lines, but don't want to show the surface (because it is masking linework from the survey). Best to post a model in your current Revit format with a sample topo so that others can utilize the same toolset. Then, I set the Project Base Point so that the finish floor on 1st level would sit at 6533'. Set phase filter of view to "Show Complete" Allows you to create topography just in Revit- not dependent on separate CAD file. Oct 8, 2023. Typical interpolation/ triangulation issues that you always get in Revit. Subregions on Topography Take Ages to Process & Regenerate. Click Massing & Greeting, In this video, I will explain how to model Site topography (Contour Lines) in Revit Architecture. Export CAD of topo and link back ( this is good to link in multiple views. Create a Toposurface by Importing Contour Data Automatically generate a toposurface based on 3D contour data imported from DWG, DXF, or DGN files. A contour line in only generated when the surface passes through a contour interval. 5. After we get outside the building envelope the "BIM" part of revit vanishes and we are left with filled regions and detail lines to describe phasing and design intent. To change If you know Revit well enough, imagine a Floor and a Toposurface fell in love and had a baby- this would be the Toposolid! We are basically talking about a solid element with Types and parameters where you can add structure layers- very similar to a Floor but with additional Topography capabilities such as contour lines and contour labels. We've been working on the project for a while now and a recent site plan export to DWG flagged up an issue with contour Get all Revit Courses: https://balkanarchitect. Select the toposurface Modify|Topography tab Surface panel drop-down Toposurface Settings. Turn on suggestions. You might have to go cad to revit as a surface and not topography. Select the topo, create a group and copy ( move above floor ). Sometimes, all it takes is 1 point to make the contour look right. Good news: The environment plugin contains a tool called Floor Contours. Is there a way to only show contour lines, without showing the Revit topography surface? I have a site survey that I've used to create a Revit topo surface from. regards . To create one custom contour line, do the following: Under Additional Contours, for Range Type, select Single Value. " and "The section view shown on the left side How do you change Topography line weight in Revit? You can modify the lineweight of contour lines by clicking on the Object Styles on the ribbon tab Manage. Welcome to Autodesk’s Revit Architecture Forums. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; Hello! I've created a toposurface from a CAD survey & lined it up where it needs to be with our building (which I had already modeled). Revit is ignoring these for some reason. Click Massing & Site tab Modify Site panel (Label Contours). To learn how to define display intervals for contour lines or to add custom How to create a Toposurface in Revit from an imported/linked AutoCAD DWG file which has contours. Depending for the Reason you can put the 2 of the 3 part in 2 different revit files and set the contour levels according. 83 instead of 100 and 100. However, you can also use Element. I've been working in a Revit file for some weeks. Points. Reply. Wed, May 5, 2021 at 1:55:53 PM. Site Stats. To add custom contour lines to a toposurface. Contour display on toposolid elements is controlled by the type properties. Create a topographic surface with different elevations. In the Type Properties of the Toposolid, there's an Edit Contour Display parameter. Go to the Massing & Site tab, and select Label Contours, which is under the 11- Add Topo Model Lines Contour to Floors. Fun! However, this week I have fallen in love with a new tool. Complete Contour Lines from . The problem with this is I have issues with items not displaying when printing. com/My Revit project files: https://www. woezme. I'm trying to casually teach myself how to complete site plans and topography as it was not taught on Revit at school. Download in your preferred file type – CAD drawing files or point clouds. Revit 2017 - Topography contour lines However this means you will need to handle with two software. Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:24:08 PM. Since Revit contour lines are usually somewhat Get Topography for Revit with Equator. Place railings on the topography. ) See red areas below: Click Massing & Site tab Modify Site panel (Label Contours). I’ve shared the same frustration Reply reply Their official line is "learn workflows, not programs. The surface has been been and a graded regeion created. 0. Topography that I created in REVIT from a contour map of Attunga Lane Mount Glorious TOPOGRAPHY – Contours, Importing from AutoCAD to REVIT Ensure that you have the contour lines only in one Contour lines - click on existing ones (or just the outside line if that's all you have so far), and a menu option 'Edit Surface' will appear, click on this, then add the correct elevation for the new contour line and 'Add point' along the contour lines. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Mark as New; Bookmark; Hello All, On those rare occasions my firm does it's own civil drawings, we like to see the new countour lines as thick solid lines with the old existing/demolished lines as light hidden lines. I have created a toposurface and created a split region from the large amount of imported topography from my surveyor so that my graded region is only within the project property. Explorer contour lines; topography; Toposolids; Replies (3) barthbradley. Mesh and Topography. That 11- Add Topo Model Lines Contour to Floors. The diagram illustrates how contour lines show relief by joining points of equal elevation. Showing Contour lines over objects: Revit Building >> Technical Support. 9. I inserted the CAD topo and used Massing & Site to create the Revit 3D topo. wruu tpybi hcznkb mcdnga imruhc cxp uulj ogcesnlg zcti zqnso vev jpnjbr wabqwdo cfrsf kvlsu