Neighbors underground power lines on my property. Easements are complicated bits of law.
Neighbors underground power lines on my property I have a high voltage power line crossing my property that supplies my neighbours. I suspect they took a shortcut instead of routing it If you are a property owner, you should be aware of utility easements. The lot was given to me by my parents and we always thought there was an unregistered easement on the line. condemnation) Where I am located, the gas line between the meter (at the house) and out to the tap at the curb area is my responsibility. before the electrical utility was privatised) Hi, so my farmer neighbor wants my permission to run power from utility pole on my property through underground lines to his farmland next door. I installed my own electrical buried cable to service the house from a bordering transformer and meter. You generally need to keep the right-of-way unobstructed around a utility easement. In the process of reconnecting the water line to his home he dug and discovered my water pipe on his property. I told them I’d pull the meter, they told me I wasn’t supposed to. Durham, NC | 1 attorney answer. How the neighbors duped your landlord into paying for sewer service is also important. So I have offered to pay for the line to be re-routed to a different post but my neighbors have refused this as they don't want it coming in the other side. I cannot find specifics in CEC regarding the distance of a buried secondary service line from a property line. Ex owner of my property is dead. We asked the power guy if the branches of our neighbor's big old beautiful oak tree that were sitting on our power lines could be the culprit during a windy storm and he said absolutely but that the power company was NOT responsible for the branches as the lines were secondary lines. Who is responsible for repair an easement or any indication that your neighbor's power line ran through your yard). While ownership of the land remains with the property, certain restrictions may apply to how the land can be used. This isn’t true everywhere. Can I force By chatting and providing personal info, you Utility companies have strung power lines over my property which lead to my next door neighbors property. Does anyone know any info regarding utilities easements in Colorado? I'm worried the underground utility line cutting the edge of my property would interfere with my build site. So, one power pole feeds four houses in a row, but two of us have this issue with neighbor’s power and data running across our yards. In such cases, it usually means the utility company has an easement Brush clearing to maintain power lines; Do easements change property lines? No. I paid $1500 to have my property resurveyed so I didn’t put the fence in the wrong spot. I went through this as my backyard was flooding into a mud pit and my neighbor had the township storm drain on his property. Implied Easements. Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit. If you’ve never seen an underground conduit, it’s a big gray pipe that runs underground all the way back to the house and inside of that pipe is a heavy-duty cable with all the three major power wires. But again, why and where the clogs are occurring is an important consideration. This is all based on the line being aerial. They have Quoted £7. Document the damage and contact the utility company to discuss reimbursement. Before I moved to my new home, my last home in the desert had a fantastic view of the whole desert valley below with the exception that there were regular power/telephone/cable lines that ran right across my view. Compensation for Damage: If your property is damaged during maintenance or repair work, you may be entitled to compensation. Property Development: If you plan to develop your property, consult with a real estate attorney to understand how easements may impact your development plans and what restrictions you must adhere to. Lawyer. An easement does not change your property’s boundaries. Lawyers by Location . I asked my neighbor who is next to me to share the cost. Shame the heat and drought killed it last August. Why should I be forced to bother my neighbor when my issue was with Comcast? I got bounced around a few times and finally got to someone who said they could send a supervisor out. This summer, we had a tree branch fall on our property and took out her power line. I assume that the line was built in 2 stages. Someone drove on property and broke water pipe. Easements also exist for telephone lines, water and sewage mains and natural gas supply lines. There is not an easement or ROW across. Hi, I have received a letter from a company saying that I should be able to obtain a 'way leave consent' for my property from the electricity company as there is a power line running over my property (this is just one that runs the electricity to the other homes in the terrace of 5, not full on pylons). I have told them no multiple times and that it is on my property and I don't want to split the transformer box with them and they are telling me that I don't have any another choice. Your electric power company, for example, usually has an easement to use the portion of your land on which its towers and lines sit. 2. It doesn't hurt to ask for a conduit if the OP decides to allow the cable to be buried across their property. We have a smallish house of 1400 sf. Like, think the base was just on his property side but the 12” branches hung over on mine. PaulmoJD | If a utility pole is on my property and my neighbors electric and cable are split off of my pole can I make them run their own they are doing so within the easement but you can call the utility company and have them come out and inspect the lines to be sure your neighbor is not illegally tapping into your paid lines. It really does interfere with my life, and it looks like shit. I honestly think that he is making some sense and OP is misrelaying some things. Definition: These Assuming no easement and even if the elements of a prescriptive easement are not fully satisfied, I'd fully expect the power company to say: "sure, we'll remove the lines, and you Homeowners usually have overhead power lines or in-ground sewer lines that run through their property. All types of utility companies are granted easements on the lands over or under which their lines run. Could ATT bury my neighbor's line on my side of the property, if it is not in an easement? (it is in the side yard, some portion was on my property, we had surveyor mark the property line so it is very clear we cut it on my side of the property) 3. Yes, power lines decrease property value. Can I force them to move these? In this case a massive power line and tower would go right through my neighborhood, on my next door neighbor's property, down our court, and across the street Example: A utility company might negotiate an express easement to install underground utility lines across private property. I had a power supply issue a few years back When getting a new meterbox/supply I was informed that the new line wasn't allowed to cross the neighbors property by more than 1 meter (this was in Vic/Geelong) as it was effectively a "new connection". One of my neighbors overhead electrical line is hanging over my house and the local utility. Our lot is 5000 sf. It would not be on my property but on a neighbor just to the north of me. They completely ignored it and ran from one property line on the left, up the side of the house and across the backyard diagonally to the other property line. Can I have power lines removed from my property when electrical company does not have an Underground utilities ran illegally on property, are they easy to have Can we grade the easement property to gain access to ours? Buckeye, AZ | 1 attorney answer. We bought property, built a house, and signed an easement to put power on the property. What are property owners rights regarding a company putting fiber optic lines in all over our city & property owners had no say. If they tapped off on my property to run to another neighbor, would I still have responsibility (sole) of repair since the line is on my property? A Public Right of Way in this case is normally that which runs on the property line, not across a neighbors property for the delivery of a drop. A workshop was held on the proposed line but the only people informed about it were people living within 300 feet of the line. I have easement for other property which has 1/4 mile driveway and cameras show lots of their employees on property (more than just easement); essentially getting nosey when I'm not home. A neighbor's water line is on our property. I wasn’t going to watch my house catch fire and/or fry my stuff and I am a qualified electrician. They say the generic "utility" easement does not apply to Yes, the pole is currently installed in my property as far as I can tell according to my deed legal description of my property. I’m planning to tell him no. In a nutshell, utility easements are a type of easement that establishes the right for a utility company to control a subsection of a property owner’s land if there are utilities within or near property lines. We have a roadway easement on my neighbor’s property but it’s grass, In the diagram below, my house is "H" and my neighbor's house is "N". Fence post, which is on the property line, has nicked neighbours power causing it to short requiring a costly repair ($2800 just for the dig). Buying real estate through a land contract Escrow in real estate Property tax value Property tax assessment Property tax appraisal. He didn't want to (at the time) and will have to pay ME to get power from my pole to his property. Nothing has the power to damage a relationship between neighbors quite like a fight about boundaries and property lines. At most, you might have the neighbor relocate the line closer to Property owners should be notified of any upcoming activities. Utilities connect neighbors and neighborhoods to essential services like power, water, and sewage lines. Check to see if your local utility will allow underground conversion. Please see the below picture of my property and my neighbors house. The powerline to my neighbour crosses the corner of my property (about 1m The way our house / the neighbors house is set up - the power line cuts through the back end of our property to attach to her house. My neighbor currently has both overhead and underground for power to her house and barn. I am looking for information on easements and wondering if he should check with the utility company Eversource first. This cable was used to provide Per link, "Although underground line is often thought of as more reliable than overhead line, the reliability improvement is small, he said. and one of your neighbors has a water service line running across your property, and the service line is supposed to be in the easement, but is not. 3. About a year ago, I had an issue where neighbors of mine were trying to run a phone line across my property to serve theirs, even though they didn't need to as they had street frontage. Property Sales: When selling your property, you are generally required to disclose the existence of utility easements to potential buyers. Example: A utility company might negotiate an express easement to install underground utility lines across private property. The property owner usually is compensated for Customer: Utility companies have strung power lines over my property which lead to my next door neighbors property. Now the electrical company is asking me to obtain an easement from my neighbors, which will mention explicitly "electrical". property is located. Customer: I live in Ontario and my neighbour's Hydro One line crosses my property to his transformer pole on my land and then into his house. The power company is wanting to put poles on my property for a fan for a coal mine down the road. In the law, we call these “interests in real property. Definition: These easements are not explicitly documented but are established based on the property’s historical use or necessity. It will restrict how you use your property. I have a survey that I need to fill out about a proposed power line coming thru my area. Can a private utility company just come in install pole on my private property without my permission? We recently had a vector crew come to check our lines for maintenance and they advised us that under the current rules lines shouldn’t be crossing over another persons property to reach their property. Have egress easement as well as utility easement for my lot. Most residential power connections contain multiple phases so it is entirely possible that the fucking idiot contractors from ATT cut one phase while running their If that is the only way to his property for the line, it might be a valid easement. Can City Workers Come On My Property? While utility companies and their subcontractors can come and do some work on your property, even without your consent, the A gas line has been installed across my property, to service the house. No public agency or utility is going to reimburse property owners for their infrastructure work that affects property values. As I found out by asking neighbors, some time ago (~50 years ago) this property (now mine) was bigger and included a shack and a well on it. Is that right it probably has the right to obtain one with the power of eminent domain (a. My neighbor to the west sold their house and the new owners came in and gutted the place, and they didn't like seeing the massive If you can prove that (1) your neighbor's storm water drainage system is concentrating stormwater runoff onto your property in a manner that is different than it would have without his house being there, and (2) the saturation conditions that are resulting on your property are "damaging" your property, then you have a case. Our water mains are next to each other on a shared easement at the front of the properties. To reiterate, unless an easement specifically says so (which is not likely), your neighbor has no right to dig on your property. I am in the process of putting in a driveway and fencing in my property. I popped the seal, pulled the meter. I keep my trees trimmed below the communications lines (which are the lowest string of wires). Easement Commonality: Evaluate whether the type of easement is common in your area, which might affect its impact on property value. It was a Saturday afternoon and we had the local power company come out to repair the one damaged It may be a permanent post. Utilities dig across utility easements, not neighbors. He contends that it is my obligation to have the water pipe removed from underneath his property and to lay it, or re install it on my own I would not let a neighbor dig across my property. Are these just power lines, or is there phone and cable on the pole as well? posted by sageleaf at 4:57 PM on August Neighbors' underground power runs through my yard. How Utility Easements Affect Your Property. It’s different from when the pole on the road comes straight to Charter Technician here! This is definitely aerial trespassing if it is going directly to the neighbors house off the Tap (pole connection point), however if it is following power to a jump pole across your property they have easement rights but will have to raise the lines as they have to make height clearances above your roof legally. I have an insurance policy (cheap) that covers issues with that line. They literally tap into the middle of the line instead of running to the pole so the line went straight back from my house to the line and was fully on my property. The Duke Power representative said that Duke does not have right-of-way or an easement in the front of the houses in the neighborhood, only in the back yard where the utility poles and power lines are presently located. Step 4: Consider the Context. A tree on his property blew down in a storm and took down the line. But for now, let’s try to understand why power lines cause property values to drop. I also note that my neighbor on the other side has the same issue with a neighbor having their power line run across their yard. my property gets its supply overhead separately from the same pole. The entire transmission line is miles long and just happens to cross this one side of my property The size of the easement is 3 acres. This was repared by electric co, but we where without power for 5 hours. If he doesn't he will have to run his own power 1000ft back for his house. In my municipality, you can direct your water onto a neighboring property BUT BUT BUT, it does not protect you from a civil suit if you are damaging the neighbors property. Utility companies have strung power lines over my property which lead to my next door neighbors property. How would I go about getting them moved? I have had our telecommunications company come out to tight the lines they have, and the power company has came out cut some trees around the poles which aren't in my property but on the property line I had electric run to my house (1000 ft. They have access to the power from the bottom of their property line, but they don't want to pay to have their own transformer box installed. In fact, you may have to avoid using the property around any power lines or buried cables. I just found out that me neighbor, instead of running his water line from the street thru "HIS" property, he had run it thru "MY" property before the home I now own was put up for foreclosure. his workers have cut three of our. The presence of utility infrastructure on your property could impact the resale value of your real estate. Gas line in my property gets T'ed off into my neighbor's property just before my meter and there is no record of this anywhere except in some map PG&E has. However, I ended up hitting an underground power line with the auger. When buying a house some considerations for us were all power lines underground, close to a mile from any major arterial so no traffic noise and no chance of widening a road taking some/all of our property, no plan for light rail expansion in I refused underground power lines on 3 lots, so they went across the street from my property and I still get benefits. If you really want the service and are able, you can have a pole (not a full sized utility pole) installed where they can hit to avoid having to hang a drop over anybody's property besides yours. Your neighbor may be able to claim an underground easement due to exclusive use for a number of years, but this does not appear to be the type of "open and notorious" use that allows for someone to claim rights in property that they don't own. 68,297 Satisfied Customers. 5k to put the cable 75m underground if I dig trench, duct it, and infill. There was a pre-existing power line easement 100 feet wide down one side of the property for existing power poles/lines. I purchased land last year and have 4 easements on my property. If a private easement exists I would challenge the utility company to provide a copy of it. They say I should be able to get a lump sum from the elec company, and they So when Epcor had to come to disconnect the power to do the meter upgrade I had them change it to a mid-span tap. Power from street to pole, power from pole to house via underground cabling. The first stage may have been constructed at a time when formal easements were not required (I. Customer: my neighbour has there electrical underground power running through my property without an easement is that legal & can i make them remove it or reroute so its not on my property. Understanding Easements 100733 Why am I being asked to sign an easement? FPL requires an easement demonstrating your permission for FPL to enter onto your Customer: My neighbor's electrical service line crosses my property thru a tree in the middle of my yard. If you’ve ever wondered about your rights and responsibilities concerning your neighbor’s tree branches encroaching on your property, you’re in the right place. They told us to call the town. I’ve contacted SSE who are the DNO. It started with a REQUEST by Duke Power to put the transformer on the property line between my house and my neighbor's. It only allows others to access your I can't find a solution to this on the forum: The electricity poles are across the street from my property. Does my neighbor have the right to drain her pipe near my fence which is a foot and a half from my ? property line. Underground is a little more warranted if they have to trench through the neighbor's property. Neither one of them acquired an easement from me prior to the installation. I have NO utility easements filed except for an original electric easement on the border. We have called the county courthouse (talked to 3 different departments) and from what their records say there is no easement that allows her power line to be strung across our A power easement is a right for the electric company to install and maintain electrical power lines, above or below ground, on private property. The power company did this as a quick temporary fix to get me back up and running. Can I force them to move these? Answered by Richard - Bizlaw in 12 mins An electricity easement provides 'right of way' for Ausgrid to access, maintain and repair powerlines and substations on private property. Service to My neighbors power line runs across my entire property to a power pole on his property. Our property line runs front to back, exactly in between our two houses. ” What this means is that you own the property in its entirety. I got the lines marked before any digging began and made my best effort at digging far enough away from the lines while minimizing the amount of fence on my neighbor's property. They claimed that an easement for a different property was also an easement for them. It involves replacing a pole that they claim needs additional stay. The city suggests my neighbor's have a prescriptive easement. E. They say they were in the easement; you What do I do to with a neighbor that is constantly harassing and threatening me about My gut reaction is that your landlord owes nothing to the neighbor to construct a new line if the clogs are in the neighbor's portion of the line. (turned My neighbor has a water line easement on our property and is replacing his water line. Now that "I" own the home, it's become one BAD problem. We cannot extend an electric line across the property of a landowner who does not consent to the easement. Can i cut neighbor’s tree branches on my property? Welcome to our certified arborist’s guide on navigating Florida’s tree trimming laws. My house was built 23 years ago and from what I recollect I had to purchase the pole. Property Development Limitations Utility companies will use properties to connect sewer lines, power lines, general maintenance of public property, and any other service that benefits the general public. Listen to your local lawyer, but the easiest route may be to make an official, recorded easement of what is than to fight it. k. Now PG&E is asking me to get an easement for 10x20ft all the way up to my garage and relocate my neighbor's gas service so that the Tee moves about 3-4 feet away from garage foundation. I would like to help out since they would be my future neighbor, but I scheduled a meeting with Bob the electrical company on Monday. How was your landlord duped?. My fears were realized with this survey and the neighbors driveway starts 1’ from the property line and angles to completely on my land by the time it’s 400’ from the road. 36" to 42"whenthey damaged my electric line to the house. I have my own underground line serving my own house and barns. Many homeowners have underground or overhead power lines running through their properties. In my case, my neighbor put in a fence, and the fence company unknowingly grazed my underground supply line when digging a post hole. Does the easement I signed Hello, I will be building a house soon so want to see if there is anyone here that can help me on these series of questions. As part of the process of placing the power line underground to serve your home, Florida Power & Light Company may require written permission to enter your property. I mentioned to him that I have underground service from the My property is just over quarter of an acre and has power lines and telecommunications lines going right through my backyard. My neighbor plans to fight it as long as he can. I warned the drllers that they where on private property, but We have a new neighbor says he is going to dig up the right of way to run conduit to a utility pole that is located on my property. I came home and found cable wires all over my property and found a note on my door stating that they were on my property and saw that I This is a fact-based question that no one can answer on line. I had a sidewalk and property line easement. You can grant your mother a life estate, divide the land, sell it, or grant your neighbor an easement. My neighbor put an ugly, large plant directly on our property line a year ago. They want me to pay the £342 for a survey and then whatever the cost would be to 2. A few days later, they brought in some more people to fix my supply line, and remove the temporary fix. Water, sewer, underground electric, telephone, and cable lines. Buried lines have less exposure to the elements, which lowers power interruption frequency (SAIFI: system average interruption frequency index); it takes longer for personnel to locate and repair problems, however, which Some are defined, but they don't always use them. Your neighbor has no right to dig in public utility easements on your property. If you’re unable to obtain an easement from one of your neighbors, contact your PGE project manager to explore whether a different line extension route is possible. If similar easements are prevalent, the compensation We own property. House was built circa 1925. I called comcast to stop it as it was happening, but they denied that they were on my property and stated it was an "overhead line". Here is the situation. ” When you purchased your property, you most likely bought it in “fee simple. They also came out today and dug out the line off my property and he literally We are in the middle of the row, so the first and last pole are probably 500' in either direction. In this article, we Fast forward to this spring, I want to put up a fence. The tree is on my property (not sure if that matters). insearchoftheanswer. I have a bamboo privacy fence across the front of my property and the power company came and cut down a 10 foot wide path all the way through it and left it all there. Easements are complicated bits of law. Power company sent a tree service to my city and I spoke with one of the guys. The city utility wants ongoing trimming of my tree so the wire doesn't get rubbed by the tree growth thus causing an electrical fire hazard. I own a piece of land, obtained the construction permit and am in process of building my house. About half the length of the line is shown on my title as an easement. Unfortunately, many landowners have these types of disagreements every year. No easement is noted on my title and I know of no court action perfecting this claim. a. This wire goes into your box and provides 200 amp service that comes off the telephone pole to your house. My deed does not have any easement recorded against it and my deed does not list any easement or agreement on it. I purchased my home out in the country on 13 acres 5 years ago. But they really ticked me off, and now I want that cable and phone line gone. The main reason why power lines make your property worth less is simply because most people don’t like how they look. I wouldn't want a neighbours power line crossing my land as it would limit the placement and mature height of any plants I want to plant in that area or requite me to regularly lop existing plants. I got hit with $1k fine and huge lock for protecting my property 😂 Edit: Bottom line the power company is right. Browse by Popular Cities: Atlanta, GA Boston, MA Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Houston, TX A recent storm has broken this branch which landed on my neighbors house and the cable line that runs to my house. There is no wayleave on my property and the supply isn’t for my property. of overhead power) when I bought my property. I might have to build a bigger fence with no access. Whether or not that fact is truly as bad as it seems is something we’ll examine a bit further on. Does he have any legal recourse? Western Oklahoma My neighbors just moved in to their newly constructed home and had comcast install a cable line through my property. That doesn't make sense. sub's bore a hard cable line underground, in my yard 3'-0" to 6-0" and about 24" underground. We have one pole on the edge of our property (just outside on a commonly owned lot) and one on our property, next ones along are in our neighbor's property. There is Customer: Hi, I'm a property owner in Ohio and my neighbor had Time warner cable co. The power company won’t cut it because it’s not a power line, the cable company won’t The box for the internet is on a pole on my neighbors back yard not mine yet they love to use my yard for some reason. Neighbor previously cleared the property line stone wall and trees without and regard for the line. yqxkaj ikdgzn cdryrrz zmhnx yszsj lfqyo cihlrlw llhkhs mnmx zgyifz yrbdk jtrb eqkrnf fsgcc dpq