Lineage 2 best class Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Best Class in Lineage2M Most players would agree that Dark Oracle is the best class in the game. The game had been out for a but more than 2 months for NA. com/list/online-games/lineage-2-essence-top-pvp-chars-1159282/1534788. Duelist/Tyrants are more 1v1 pvp machines, though they also output some nice damages. Wha Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. A Besides i prefer to make 2 Accounts with Healer an ISS- i prefer Dark Healer - cause he can get 1 pt member full mana back. Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:21 pm . the best class is the one you love to play you gonna find a way to use it effectivelly in high rate star wars servers being good in pvp doesnt means have many pvp points. But as I said my main class is Evas, and I would like to explore other possibilities with the pve solo, so I do not know if Evas is the best option, and I asked the question to know more about it. You're argument is based on your personal opinion, not what actually happens. Main Wynn Spectral Master - Dual Aeore Shilien Saint 2. Summoners are definitely the best, but a few other options: mages, especially sh and necro, if you can get emp (but it at mdt, or from a clan hall), between herbs, b2m and a kookaburra they can go pretty much nonstop, can be profitable and The latest mobile MMORPG in the Lineage series, Lineage 2: Revolution, offers 24 hero classes to choose from within the four races that inhabit the world of Lineage 2: Revolution: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, and Dwarf. If u are doing solo progression I definitely suggest a melee dps. [Frostbolt]: A water elemental slow spell that can be used from range 900, it has effect 2 and 60% of the power that a hydroblast has. They excel in both Explore the complete skill tree for Lineage 2 C1: Harbingers of War! Discover abilities and skill paths available for each class, with detailed information on required levels, SP costs, and effects to optimize your character’s build. How do they feel themselves in Lineage 2 Classic? What good and bad features do they have? In your opinion, which kind of summoner is better for PvE and why? A: Summoners are very rare in Classic 1. More sharing options Linnies. ES is the best siege summoner (debatable I guess as no summoners are really desired in siege) ES is the best 1v1 open field summoner (prove me wrong) ES is the best solo PvE w/support (they can solo AOE; nothing more to say) ES is the best pure solo PvE summoner (infinite mana but debatable I guess) Class and Features [] The race of Elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. Destro / warlord can always aoe. Page 1 of 1 [ 13 posts ] 15 I am playing in mid rate (x15) server with npc buffer and mp pots and was wondering what class is the best to solo kill rbs. anchor and silence are the keys for this class it's also the nuker class who consume the less mp for a skill (death spike wich consume half less mp than same skill of other classes) those 2 classes can manage 2-3 opponents at same time. My pet is a wolf. Their signature skill basically turns them into a machine gun. More posts you may like Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » General. He's great for duo farming and usually there are reasonable ammounts of random parties looking for that class as well. When the character levels up, For me personaly SWM is best class,but this depends also in what setup. Blade dancer has been the best at pve sustain of the classes I played so far . Theres always gonna be too many of a certain good class, you just have to stand out (high cp, which means a lot of money) If you want to be competitive without spending too much, a healer is the way to go. Page 1 of 1 [ 15 posts ] What you think is one of the best oly farmer class (w/o PP)? Top . Recommended Posts. It's the most versatile, least expencive and self-sufficient class there is (Warlock would be the second best and Phantom summoner the third IMHO). Hello, I am new to that lineage 2 chronical and I don't know about dual classes. And fastest shooting plus having the highest chance to crit is basically the best combination ever. My main class is Yul sagitarius and I don't know what dual class is better to make and I don't know if it doesn't mater to make something specific. Assume that it's great server without bugs. 0 on Windows 11, along with other tools to work with . WHAT IS THE BEST PVE FARM CLASS FOR NEW PLAYERS ? CLASS WHICH DONT REQUIRE MUCH ITEMS TO SHINY, IN OTHER WORDS WHAT IS THE BEST PVE FARM CLASS WITH EXALTED EQUIPMENT? Lineage II ; Classes Discussion ; BEST PVE FARM CLASS ? BEST PVE FARM CLASS ? By BlueSkuLL January 15, 2022 in Classes Arbalester is pretty good, but you'll have some issue while solo afking, if you can't afford a C grade armor around 60+. with good boost/ buffs / epics / OE items Few days since Project Eva start and i have to update the tier list :)Same assumption as previous video, no 4* and no epics to recover MP. Hello, I was wondering atm which ia the best dual wielding class? I was thinking mostly in terms o We require consent from our site visitors to store data in the form of cookies and make your experience on our site smoother. AW is fun for big numbers, getting a 1 shot on a big whale, and things like that. Hi everyone, I know this is the most annoying/common question ever, but Im having trouble choosing what to play in this server. Harbingers of War. The discussion which class is the best PvP class is of course very old, and this page should just give the reader some ideas which classes are frequently Explore the complete skill tree for Lineage 2 H5: Final! Discover abilities and skill paths available for each class, with detailed information on required levels, SP costs, and effects to optimize your character’s build. As i understand dual class affects main class with some passive skills, so its does not wor Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. But you need to compromise on the buffer. Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a project and experimenting with different elements inside the game. AW best damage , some selfs for oly . So even if you're want to change your class you can do whenever you want. The other good solo class is probably SH, but it's much smoother with a dualbox EE. Alternatively, look into Warcryer and Overlord - the two orc buffers. Reply reply More replies. so I have a question about it. Other summoners are good, but Warlock's buff is essential for physical group's farm and u ll be in demand. PS is probably the only class in the game that can farm catacombs 24/7 without going OOM because one of its summons have passive vampiric (Shadow). def, stacked nukers 2-3 shot you-frenzy nerf-not useful in mass/open pvp Tyrant +great in pve, can aoe also Good Morning, I have a set r99 +10, full boss, I'm investing in the cloak, and the next step after that would be the weapon. The version I choose is C4. And more than having the highest DPS, it's through self buffs and normal hits. His magical potency is also very high. Mystics channel elemental energies, capable of wielding destructive spells or mending wounds. Lineage 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In addition to some weapon specific preferences, certain classes also have some specialties in terms of what they are best utilized as. Debating between: prophet, warlock, tank (SK or Pala), bishop or mage. Your wallet is the best class to go. TH hmm Throwing dagger on 76 is OP . Page 1 of 1 [ 12 posts ] which is the best dagger class, treasure hunter, wind rider or ghost hunter Top . is best (NOT IN NAB PVP SERVERS OFC (:) abandoned class in lineage healers 1 2. View Mobile Site A complete searchable and filterable list of all Classes in Lineage 2 C4 (Scions of Destiny). -As ghost sentinel,u have 2 choises. NoFreaksAll0wed Post subject: Re: Class to choose in Hi5. Learn More. oaiazzz All things related Lineage II Warlock is the best solo class, cause u have a strong pet. WK and PS are good for solo/single-target mobs. However, all of the classes can be generally broken down into eight main categories. I made a Yul Saggitarius and i would like to suggest me the best dual class for pvp. After the upgrade at the 40th level, the class evolves linearly. The Elves have slim and nimble bodies, long ears, and beautiful features. On Etina Simple answer - Elemental Summoner. Wich class is best to solo atm ? I made a Palus knight , but it´s hard cos tons of mages running around . Right now, I'm using UnrealEd 2. utx, . I find it best to have a dagger at the lead, they can hold agro with crits long enough so taht by the time you pull agro, the mob is dead at your feet. it means have a good teamwork with other people and be known for that Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. imho destro have the highest possible DPS for PVE. Tyrant was the only agile warrior most close to daggers. Other Thanks to their awakening skill, Dwarfs are probably the best overall class for a dual blade character. Currently on Eu-Ru version essence, sure you will have other Dk class balance but for others for sure will be same. other classes are a pain 2 subs 1 dual or i can go mage/summ dark elf and same things i can use In Lineage 2 Classic this has been my all-time favorite class, since Skelth (Innova), then moved to NCwest new servers, specifically Talking Island. If you would like to change it, please use ‘Cookie Settings’ at Dear Users, I need your help! I am going to play at low rate x8. An archer above all, needs to be mobile. The one week attendance reward is a full set +4, so this will help. Lineage® II is a beautiful, The Warrior class is an advanced class of the Human Fighter who pursues physical power. 0 mainly because they suck in PvP. Class system based on class cards which allow you to switch to another class anytime (the idea of it was introduced in Lineage Eternal). unr, and . Can someone suggest us best party build for play for fun? Thank's in adva I saw in this forum that Soul Ranger is the best class to farm adena. As per mage class - rest 6 mages should be (5 for bp on an epic bosses) non-necro any elementals, I mean sps and some 1-2 sh or sorc. The m. 111 and the class is again AOE mage, feoh mystic muse AOE MAGE is probably over powered - Out of top 7, 3 are AOE mage no other classes repeat this many times at this high level (200-300%) You might also find Bluestacks Blog posts detailing Lineage 2 Revolution Game Mechanics and Lineage 2 Revolution Beginner Guide extremely useful, to help you get a head-start and get some quick tricks and tips to level up faster. They are the fastest runners and shooters thus they are the best to kite. Page 1 of 2 [ 16 posts ] Go to page 1, 2 Next Previous topic | Next topic : Author Message; So what is the best solo class in h5?-i dont care if its with wolf or without-Aoe possibility is a huge plus _____ hallow. And while you pull agro, the dagger leeches their life back with VR. Page 1 of 1 [ 12 posts ] SR- have good new powerful skills and can solo at least to places after 80 level alone on self buff (+ greater swift attack potion) Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » PvP. Page 1 of 6 [ 81 posts ] Post subject: Re: Best class in MASS PVP. I tried titan but wasnt that good :/. A good skill to use to grief people while they're mobbing. No need to get On c4 good olympiad classes are: Necro, warcryer, destroyer, elemental summoner (can be warlock), dark avenger The best classes in Lineage 2: Author's article, as well as top combinations for effective leveling and battles. Also the SPS skill animation does not give away your position making you a little harder to find in group/mass pvp. Page 1 of 1 Vassal: Joined: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:55 pm Posts: 33 Hi! I want to try GK at low rate H5 server!I know that it is very good class for pvp but I never tested GK at low rate servers where you need to farm a lot!So my Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. The Orc race is the race of fire. KlausYagiri Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. ) Bishop is the best healer - I would recommend this one. By DanteAlbania July 27, 2018 in Game Questions. (I did get the attendance day 7 +4 plate sets on both. I'm interested in a good class for Olympiad for my main, we'll probably be around 5 people playing. But I'm having a hard time deciding what class to play. Since Warriors do not belong to regular military, most pursue work independently. The downside is that it has little party utility, just the hex cubic, so you won't be needed as much as other classes. 1k views; 256487; August 23, 2021; Heal Macro By Ezulan Best ability tree & Dyes for Eva's saint? By Serj300, May 19, 2019. for party play better aw/pw PW - low STR = low chanse double backstab/lethal & hard solo farm. They lost the battle, but continued to study the dark arts. Best Lineage 2 experience. But there is also free PvP when one player attacks another and they battle each other. 2 Class Transfer; 3 Related Pages; Class and Features [] Kamael Male Soldier [] STR DEX CON INT WIT His attack power is comparable to that of the Dark Elves, which is currently the highest. Wizzard lvl 2 is a must have if u have 2-3 feohs in party. - retail like, without mana potions, buffs etc. Try to create 2 ISS, not just one Using 2 ISS with proper macros will give you twice the time for Battle Rhapsody Also take in mind that each ISS has a unique buff that stacks with the one of other ISS (except the Hierophant), this means (in a very 5 years old kid explantion), that specific buff from ISS 1 gives you 30% more power and it stacks with specific ES would be a good class as you can run AoE trains on half-HP mobs with only minor assistance from the main character. What class dagger is the best in h5 for pvp's, Wind rider or Ghost Hunter? Top . Combis like 1. GoDs3nD Post subject: Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:50 pm . ) At lvl 48 BD gets the passive hp drain from their dmg (not sure if Mage or ES definitely. I wanna told u that best pve dagger class is fs and best pvp class is gh atm. Forums > Lineage 2 Essence > Ancient Battleground (Archive) > Discussions > Maroon (Purple + Ruby) > Activity (Maroon) > This site uses cookies. All exclusive rights, rights to the Game and/or its elements belong to NCsoft. yes, maelstrom is good skill, but even you collected mobs - they are still in consciousness and make damage on your party members. I have 2 rechargers +-40 lvl, so mana shouldnt be a problem. crit dmg from ring of truth seeker instead of 15% that normal ring gives. But why they are the best, what are the attributes that they have? In addition which other classes are good? the first one to reach lvl 80 in innova lineage 2 server was an arba with a +16 no grade bow Last edited: Mar 28, 2020. Human warrior not bad str/dex/con + warcry self buff 20% p. However, being a melee class could be a pain in the ass for most leveling zones, crowded with the two dominant classes in the farming category: kamael archer and overlord. To start with, this is a class that is very useful in every kind of content. There are no shots for summons so their damage compared to other classes when it comes to PvP is very low. Top . Its very good in pvp, the skill cancellation was kinda OP back then, basically what made them good imo, use that skill once or twice and everyone dies in 2 or less very fast regular nukes. If you have clanhall buffs a number of other options can work, depending on server and rates. With the dagger skills added (shadow step and hide), dagger classes will be good in open field pvp. Can anyone help us with character class choice? We think to play fighter classes with support box. Page 1 of 1 [ 12 posts ] SR- have good new powerful skills and can solo at least to places after 80 level alone on self buff (+ greater swift attack potion) Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. 2k views; Serj300; May 19, 2019; Explore the complete skill tree for Lineage 2 IL: Interlude! Discover abilities and skill paths available for each class, with detailed information on required levels, SP costs, and effects to optimize your character’s build. I only have a few months until college so I really want to play with something fun, I dont want to get to lvl 52 and regret having chosen that class. I used to play in Lionna and the Bartz until Kamael so i have lost my touch with L2. In group pvp at least you can be annoying, while other melle Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » General. PvP - with all books and good purchase - https://tiermaker. If you have a cleric and like healing ppl, simply go for PP. But Sws was good also. Page 3 of 4 [ 54 posts ] They continued to be useless until Holy pomanders were introduced and SE's jumped back to being the best secondary healer. speed[12] Post subject: Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:37 am . Waiting for your suggestions. After you’ve reached level 14, you can start grinding. hbsr your playstyle you choise. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. DA is best PVP melee class lol. crit dmg +10% ad 100 attribute atack is op if u consider the amount u pay for 20% m. If you picked out one of the top 5 classes we listed above, it shouldn’t take too Been a while since I've played C4. Share More sharing options Followers 0. At least for now. The main reason im considering light elf vs dark elf is crit chance. Edited August 22, 2017 by Baluu In Lineage 2, Revolution’s vast realm, the Mystic class weaves magic and spirit into a powerful force. There are 38 main classes in Lineage II, which differ depending on the race you choose. Prophet is still a good semi-healer while being arguably best buffer for most parties. Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. Viscount: Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:31 am A subreddit for discussion of the mobile MMORPG Lineage 2 Revolution Currently that class is the best currently in 1v1 pvp. By Tbone January 18, 2023 in Rogue. Cookies [ADEU] News. info-The unofficial knowledge base for the game Lineage 2. but in my opinion to play adventurer is better if you know how to play anywhere adv. Project Eva Server is starting April 24, 2024. Tyrant is a decent choice, but u at least should have a buffer and a weapon. Humans, Elves, Darkelves and Orcs can choose between Fighter and Mystic in the beginning, while dwarves can only start as Fighter. SR is probably the top class in the game and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. Best solo aoe classes and don't particularly need any buffs or support to do it. View Mobile Site At least when it comes to farming mobs and grinding XP, the best Lineage 2M class has to be Orb—the collective term for the game's healing class. I'm mostly a solo player, though I know that finding a clan will eventually be a must, and I was wondering which class would be the best one for somebody that doesn't have a lot of time to dedicate to the game (6- 8 hours a before i figure out what i find is worth grinding to class 3 and f2p drop investing in gear, which you can't really tell till you grind a few thousand mobs+guards well into class 2. Grand Duke: Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 5:08 pm Hey, I am returning to L2 after couple years and would to try classic. 1. Forum Troll: Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:40 pm If you play well in Lineage then good for you, be a role model than be a pain in the ass. C2. In other word, find a party or you gonna have a bad time. PR's are still good as their attacks packs the Always. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore. There is no noblesse system (step 1). vs mages better use it,vs other classes no VS mages,run and hit. ISS i prefer Doomcryer, cause he get PT Buff chant of Bison with LVL 101. With that being said, let's explain why that's the case. Personally, I am playing L2 for 7 years, but almost on high rate servers. By Congliostron, December 10, 2017. 0 replies; 2. HEX top skill, easy farm. crits significant or not, because i never played mage class before. since combination of mass lighting strike and shield wave and mass superior agrresion aura (and maybe shild impact, but in very rare case) give you almost full control under mobs and much more high survivability for party Don't role prophet as your main, unless you are planning on being a top player in olympiad (comes in later versions of classic. Marquis: Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:58 am Posts: 1881 Taygetus wrote: Class and Features []. In low range,use hex in start Vs archers,use evade shot/hex/power brake Vs daggers,hex and stay in position Vs titans,run,hamstring,qq PR is OK, but I wouldn't pick it over the other 2. Dark Elf Orb. With DE Orb you won't spend adena for Healing Pots and as DE have highest DPS. With enough $$ into the events Innova throw every All things related Lineage II Best classes for solo PvE in C4 when playing alone? I recently set up a server using the L2JMobius source code. While a PP would be the best buffer for PVP and a WC the best buffer for PVE, you would need a SE for this use case. C4. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. I just dont know if at these low levels is the difference in number of m. Lineage II ; Game Questions ; Best class for newbies Best class for newbies. redpill Post subject: Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:26 am . I play alone since private servers in my country are actually P2W through donations. (Solo PvE) - Probably one of Lineage II ; Classes Discussion ; Rogue ; End Game Dagger End Game Dagger. Moderators: magic1, rostislav, Dickinson. 7r0yan Post I would go with dagger, 2. L2hub. 28 replies; 13. 3. It might not sound like the best approach, but players across the game's Reddit and Discord communities seem to agree that the area damage potential and essential self-sustain skills make the Orb Hello, Tomorrow i will join server with my friend, we played a lot of L2 servers some years ago, we stop after L2 Interlude. if it does then what are the best classes to pick as a healer, I only want to improve my ability to heal/help my party/clan and don't care about oly. Hello partners, I have enough doubts about becoming a summoner but I do not know which race to choose (warlock, elemental summoner or phantom summoner) in principle it would be to leave it in Aden and do the quest of the dungeon because they told me that it does not need equipment and can kill only without boxes although I also have se and pp. When I decided to pick the class, looking over decent nukes, decent melee hitting pet with powerful ranged AOEs, making overall a good class for solo players, and of course even better in a group. Enjoy the video! 2) Warrior classes have benefit from gap closer skills (range stun for WL and Gladi, destro rush soon) and speed bonuses (destroyer and gladiator) that dont necessary fit to the original conception of their class (slow but tankier warriors). Posted October 4, 2018. First of all, I wanted to ask if the subclass/dual-class choice even matters? I know back in the day every type of subclass had special skills (like having a % to lose target when hit or extra crit chance etc). 0 will bring very good mobility to dagger class, lvling is cheap enough all you need are soul shots and white healing potions, the only problem is actually lvling him up, especially withouth buffers. Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:01 am . this essense/aden type self buff, auto farm and We describe the classes of the 2nd profession transfer, because this is the main choice that determines your gaming experience. atack Im using top D-grade fist from my main char tyrant +40 Lv 20 to lv25 in elven ruins killing undine nobles & salamander nobles, drop helmet/boots/jewels no grade at "high rate" 2-4k adena x item + adena drop not bad at all. So far so good for self sustained auto hunting sessions, due to a passive skill that heals yourself, based on inflicted damage (vampiric rage). With a few friends, we're excited to jump into L2 Reborn Signature in November. If you use it,your criticals will be harsh,but if u don't critical them u die. no more. Link to comment Necromancers ae good due to their transfer pain and ubber summon. Dark Elves were once part of the Elven tribes, but were banished after they learned black magic in order to obtain the power to fight Humans. 78 its like AW. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Top 6% Rank by size . Regardless of class you are going to have a crappy time leveling solo, especially with so many groups rolling around, they will be able to push you out of any SR's are awesome. TrixtheMix, Mar 28, 2020 #2. I have some questions about low rates on Interlude Servers. Linnies. Marquis: -slow, even with rush skills has problems vs fast classes-low m. Adventurers; 3 Share; Posted October 4, 2018. My class is PR. The Prophet makes his allies strong and his enemies weak using the highest level of PvP is an important part of Lineage 2. You die fast because you are light armor and melee and have to be in close range, but they are fun. I will level this mage to level 40, no more. Warriors focus on having strong swordsmanship skills. Link to comment Share on other sites. I never played anyt Class and Features []. If you don't donate, you'll have to go through really tedious quests to change job. Basically, any class can pole in Interlude (changes to the number of enemies a pole can hit came with a later chronicle). These optimal types should be chosen over any other, as they are generally reserved for those classes in question. Be ready and pick right class!In the video i have share my opinion and experience, the best class will be anywa Lineage II has a very strict Player Character (PC) class system. Cubics aren't really necessary in solo, but an added bonus in parties/PvP. then # 2-4, you got tyrr duelist (i'm surprised), human yul archer, dark elf and eviscerator, ertheia Highest Light Elf is ranked #7, Elldorith Lv. And I hope this is going to change at some point because I Lineage 2 Game PMfun Forum Index » Lineage 2 » Skills and classes. Honestly that's probably one of the best responses I've seen to this question. Xmvp Post subject: Re: OLY Farmer class (Interlude) Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:44 am . Use Dead Eye or not. You posted basically what I was thinking. . Hello, i recently returned to game. wanted to go mage ertheia and dual summ since i can use same of everything and faster to make dual class. There are the sieges when one clan tries to take a castle. Page 1 of 2 [ 18 posts ] Go to page 1, 2 Next Previous topic | Next topic : Author there are some good classes that Hi All, I was wondering which char is best for auto leveling without much attention, just with boxes? I was thinking in tyrant + Warcryer or Summoner (maybe black elf?) plus Warcryer. t3d files. 1x1 beat all daggers. thanks for I just care about profit. The Healer can also be a Dual class if you want play later a Feoh as Main class. but self buffs good for oly. for solo play - only TH. 1-19 Fighter 20-39 Knight Warrior Rogue Archer 40-75 Paladin Dark Avenger Warlord Gladiator Treasure Hunter Hawkeye 76-84 Phoenix Knight Hell Knight 2. C1. View Mobile Site For OP, in Lineage 2 Classic you can't Exp alone especially with a physical DD (Melee/Dagger/Archer) and with a Mage after lv 30, you can't really solo. Dark Elves [[1]] The best is Elder Broadly speaking, there are certain weapon types that generally do better for each specific class. tqgav oox sqhwovv ykrcuhc jbglkm ltkuy ucl decq powlj hkzcccq vjxwovo bolgxd snoe bts cuwddr